7 Times Table

These printable 7 times table charts are great for displaying on the wall either in the class room or at home in the bedroom or study area.

7 Times Table Chart on wall

They print on a single A4 sheet.

7 times tables

(click on image to open PDF)

When we multiply 7 by a number, it does not matter which number is
first or second, the answer is always the same.

7 times table chart

(click on image to open PDF)

The number seven may be associated with luck however the seven times table is one of the more difficult of the times tables to remember.

Present an award certificate to your students to recognize that you can see the progress that they are making.

7 times table award certificate

Why is the 7 times table important?

Can you imagine a world in which 7 was not significant?

  • 7 days of the week
  • 7 colors of the rainbow
  • The seven seas
  • 7 continents
  • The seven wonders of the world
  • Seven Ages of Man (William Shakespeare)
  • 007 (James Bond)
  • The seven dwarfs (Snow White)
  • The seven deadly sins
  • Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

In fact the number 7 is probably the world's favorite number.

Ask anyone to chose a number between 1 and 10 and the majority will say...

Yes our love affair with the number 7 has been around for some time. But apart from our emotional connection to a perceived lucky number, mastering the seven times table will help you to make quick calculations with regards to time in weeks and weight in stones and pounds.

If you know how many days there are between two dates you can divide the number by seven to calculate the time duration in weeks.

When considering how many pounds in weight there are in a given number of stones of weight we can use 7 to calculate half stone measurements.

1 stone of weight = 14 pounds.

As a prime number, 7 is only divisible by itself and 1.

Help your students on the way to remembering their seven times table.

Download your free multiplication chart today and put it up somewhere your students can see it.

More times tables..

class-templates.com has created times table charts from 1 through to 12.

Each multiplication chart is available to download in PDF format.

There are also a series of times table award certificates to accompany the charts so teachers can acknowledge the prgress made by their students when learning their times tables.

Printable Multiplication Tables

12 times table chart >

11 times table chart >

10 times table chart >

 9 times table chart >

 8 times table chart >

 7 times table chart >

 6 times table chart >

 5 times table chart >

 4 times table chart >

 3 times table chart >

 2 times table chart >

 1 times table chart >

Times Table Award Certificates

12 times table award certificate >

11 times table award certificate >

10 times table award certificate >

 9 times table award certificate >

 8 times table award certificate >

 7 times table award certificate >

 6 times table award certificate >

 5 times table award certificate >

 4 times table award certificate >

 3 times table award certificate >

 2 times table award certificate >