Daily Planner templates

Never forget where you (or your staff) should be by using these free daily planner templates to organize your working day.

Although many of us would like it, we don't all have a personal assistant or secretary to tell us where we should be, at what time and how long for.

We have to rely on our own organizational skills to ensure that we meet all our appointments and commitments.

Write down what you need to do. Have a plan in place before the start of the day.

Free up some valuable memory space in that hard disk in your head so you can focus on what you need to be doing when you get to the place that you need to be. Plan, plan, plan..

Printable Daily Planners in PDF format

Printable Daily Planners in PDF format

A number of printable planners in PDF format covering a variety of hours worked throughout the day.

View them here >>

How do you plan?

Everybody applies their favoured logic when it comes to planning.

Some plan vertically from top to bottom.

Other minds prefer to think horizontally, planning from left to right.

Do you start at the end and work backwards?

Or start at the beginning and move forwards?

Does cost take priority over time?

Or is your time more valuable than income?

There are many approaches that can be taken when it comes to planning.

To help you find your 'planning' mind, I have created a selection of formats to choose from when considering how to plan your day.

All daily planners are currently available as printable PDF downloads.

Time Management

Learning to manage your time better will free up time to do the really important things. Encourage good time management habits.

“I don’t have time to do any planning”

“Things change too much to plan!”

Sound familiar?

You may feel like you are already doing all you can each day and that the prospect of spending time to plan sounds like time spent not doing what you need to.

Well stop. Think again. Find time.

Research has shown that every minute spent planning will gain you several minutes in undertaking/performing the task at hand.

Planning will keep you on course in achieving your goals and objectives.

As Abraham Lincoln reportedly once said, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."

If like me, you have felt like you have been chopping at the tree and getting nowhere fast, take a minute and step back.

Look at what you are doing.

If you need to, sharpen the axe.

Using a blunt axe means you have to hit harder, make more hits and take longer.

A sharp axe will fell a tree quicker and with less energy.

Take time to make time.

Be proactive. Don't rely on responding to the day's events as they occur.

Lead the day. Don't let it lead you.

Have a plan in place before the start of the day so events do not stop you from creating your daily plan.

Why bother?

  • it reduces stress as you stop worrying about missing important events.
  • you'll sleep better.
  • you'll wake up to a clear purpose.
  • it will help you to prioritize and delegate tasks.
  • it will allow clearer visibility of what you can achieve in one day.

Start using a Daily Planner

Remember that 'urgent' does not necessarily mean 'important'.

The same is true for 'important' does not necessarily mean 'urgent'.

Using a daily planner will let you have visibility of what you need to do.

You can then categorize and prioritize your tasks and take control of your day.

There will always be more things to do than time to do them.

Sometimes you must forgo something you would like to do in favor of something that has to be done to accomplish your objectives.

Don’t fail to plan. If you do, plan to fail.


Weekly Planner Templates

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