Save your templates somewhere safe and accessible

All templates on can be downloaded and saved for future use.

Save your templates somewhere that is safe and accessible and somewhere you can remember.

I'm sure I saved it?

We've all wasted our precious time looking for 'lost' files that we inadvertently save in an odd location.

Get it right from the start.

Think carefully about where you want to save your templates. Consider the most appropriate drive and folder to allow easy access, somewhere you will remember and somewhere that it will not be deleted - easily.

Always double check the location (drive and folder) before hitting the save button.

A couple of extra seconds thought now can save several hours of frustration later.

You may want to create a new folder structure specifically for your templates. This will keep them seperate from your other documents and files making it less likely that you will delete or lose them.

Lost or Deleted your Template?

If you do misplace or delete your free template downloads, you can always return to to download and save them again.


Microsoft Office WORD templates

Microsoft Office EXCEL templates

Microsoft Office PUBLISHER templates